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Game of Thrones season six: 6 big questions
There’s just over a month to go before Game of Thrones is back on our TV screens– and in preparation we’ve already bleached our hair, splashed out on some fake wings for the cats, and added the suffix “Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men” to our email sign-off.
Thanks to last night’s exciting new trailer, we’re now going to spend the next four weeks humming an extra-melancholy version of Wicked Game and speculating about what all the clips we’ve seen so far tell us about season six.
Here are our some of our biggest questions:
1. It’s R+L=J time! Will we finally discover who Jon Snow’s parents are?
Officially, of course, Snow is the out-of-wedlock son of the late Eddard Stark (the nobleman played by Sean Bean in season one) and a mystery woman. But very few fans still believe this to be the case.
To date, both the show and George RR Martin’s book series have dropped some heavy hints about the parentage of Kit Harington’s unsmiley – and very likely deceased – Nights Watch man.
Eagle-eyed fans have now spotted that the latest Game of Thrones trailer appears to show some flashback scenes featuring a young Eddard Stark. In them, he’s battling men clad in Targaryen armour.
Book-readers will recognise the above as a sign that we’re going to be looking at a key chapter of Westerosi history, and, vey likely, at events that took place at a location known as the Tower of Joy.
This Tower, in case you need a memory boost, was where Stark encountered his dying sister Lyanna after her abduction by Rhaegar Targaryen. Her last words were "Promise me, Ned."
This took place towards the end of the war between the mad Targaryen king (Rhaegar’s father) and Robert Baratheon (later King Robert).
We’re not going to spell out the theory here (google “R+L+J” if you’re curious). Suffice to say, many fans believe the scene could hold the key to Jon’s true heritage.
Could we finally be getting some answers in season six?
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