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5. 準生證明
birth permission certificate
Chinese couples no longer have to get birth permission certificates before they want in vitro fertilization. In most regions of the country, the permission is part of a family planning service certificate which will be checked in a series of procedures: pregnancy test, child delivery, maternity insurance application, etc.
為貫徹落實《中共中央國務院關于實施全面兩孩政策(universal two-child policy)改革完善計劃生育服務(family planning service)管理的決定》和《國務院辦公廳(the general office of the State Council)關于簡化優(yōu)化公共服務流程(simplify and improve public service procedures)方便基層群眾辦事創(chuàng)業(yè)(make it easier for people at the grassroots level to get things done and start up businesses)的通知》精神,本著減少環(huán)節(jié),精簡辦事程序、方便群眾的原則,國家衛(wèi)計委決定簡化人類輔助生殖技術(human assisted reproductive technology)治療時準生證明(birth permission certificate)查驗程序。一、經(jīng)批準開展人類輔助生殖技術的醫(yī)療機構(medical institutions)在實施人類輔助生殖技術治療時,不再查驗患者夫婦的生育證明,由患者夫婦作出符合計劃生育政策的書面承諾(a written commitment to the family planning policy)即可。二、各級衛(wèi)生計生行政部門(health and family planning administrative departments at all levels)要加強事中事后監(jiān)管,依法依規(guī)查處政策外多孩生育(investigate and punish childbearing which breaches the universal two-child policy),維護正常生育秩序。
患者夫妻雙方如果想做試管嬰兒,要求必須出示的證件(required documents that must be presented)包括身份證(ID card)、結婚證(marriage certificate),并在承諾書上簽字,無需辦理準生證。準生證是有關部門控制人口的一項舉措(a way for the authorities to control the population),是夫婦可以合法生育(couples are allowed to have children legally)的證明。申請準生證的程序非常繁瑣(applying for the permission can be a very cumbersome procedure),尤其是對于不在家鄉(xiāng)居住、工作的夫婦來說,家鄉(xiāng)通常是他們的戶籍所在地(especially for couples not living and working in their hometowns where they are usually the registered as permanent residents)。
生育登記服務制度 birth registration service system
試管嬰兒 test-tube baby
備孕 plan for pregnancy
自然懷孕 natural pregnancy
準媽媽 expectant mother
上一篇 : 一周熱詞榜(9.10-16)
下一篇 : 一周熱詞榜(9.24-30)
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