You’ll need to keep your eyes and ears open to home in on bluffing, because those doing it speak a lot more and at a higher pitch.
Dr Moore said: ‘The tone of your voice will go up in pitch if you’re not being truthful. It’s a strain thing. You get these layer effects. You’re thinking “what have I got to look like?”, “what have I got to say?” It’s a lot of things to deal with in your mind. And you can’t practice it. And you’ve got to do it live. One take.
‘Some people over-compensate and say “oh, it’s fantastic!” That can denote that someone’s faking it. It’s almost as if they’re trying to convince themselves.
‘They talk longer. So they actually fill up sentences longer.’
There are a number of reasons for this, according to Dr Moore. And one is to stop protest in its tracks.
He said: ‘There are two methods of psychological persuasion. There’s facts and figures, but 80 per cent of people are persuaded by peripheral cues, like how attractive someone is, how knowledgeable we think they are, what’s their status, do we like them…
‘So if you talk fast it does two things. One it suggests you know a lot about it, secondly, if I’m talking, you can’t talk, so you can’t protest. And if I give you lots of information, your brain can’t defend against it. So if someone doesn’t like something they might talk a lot about it. Partly because they’re energised, partly because they’re trying to convince you that they like it.’
Finally, watch for a tiny crease appearing between the eye.
‘That’s a sign they’re not happy,’ added Dr Moore.