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Group think, literally, is what the group as a whole thinks instead of what each individual member of that group thinks.
It came out of the blue as the singer was preparing for his final concert tour.
In other words, he’s been investing in technology start-ups as a venture capitalist.
In short, last hurrah, or final hurrah (which is the slightly less popular) represents a person’s last great performance or activity.
Please explain this sentence: The judge’s decision is nothing short of Solomonic.
“Fits and starts” is descriptive of an activity which is “intermittent, variable in intensity, and prolonged by interruptions”
Don’t often see a journalist’s career described as rough and tumble, but it is certainly appropriate. Makes a lot of sense to me, at least.
A vicious cycle works this way: One bad thing leads to another, which makes the original situation worse.
You bet, but let me explain. First, the revolving door.
Keeping one’s counsel is a British idiom, the full term being “keep one’s own counsel”.
If you really run a personal debt like that, your problem will be much bigger than whatever fiscal cliff the American government has to face.
Halo effect describes the situation where one’s positive attitude towards a person can lead to bias in their favor.
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