When Chai was a university freshman he wrote a letter outlining his future plans. He wrote that he would return to his hometown to develop the Chinese leek trade if the vegetable had not been processed and sold to the overseas market in the next four years. At university Chai not only learned a lot in the classroom, but saved nearly 400,000 yuan ($64,000) by running an online store catering to local college students. "Armed with knowledge and money, I believe I can do well," Chai says, adding that he has researched family farms in European and American countries. Chai used 3.3 hectares of farmland from his four uncles who had left the land to work in cities. He then built 11 spacious greenhouses, which stand in sharp contrast to the small greenhouses favored by other families in the village. "My greenhouses ensure the plants harness the maximum amount of sunlight which is a crucial factor for quality Chinese leek. They are big enough so farmers can enter to take care of the Chinese leek," Chai explains. The greenhouses cost him 220,000 yuan. "The other families prefer the smaller greenhouses as they are low cost and can be built easily." Chai says he helped construct the 11 greenhouses, the rigorous labor helping him lose 20 kg in weight. Last winter saw most days clouded with smog, which blocked sunlight to the Chinese leek. Chai researched other vegetables' greenhouses looking for a solution to this problem. Eventually he introduced special lights that emit a purple glow. These purple spectrum lights enable the Chinese leek to grow even on cloudy days. "My fellow villagers depend on the weather, but I work to improve unfavorable natural conditions," Chai says. He is happy to share his experience with other families, he adds. Chai's hard work paid off. He received a net profit of 300,000 yuan from his farmland last winter. "What I earned per mu is twice as much as my parents earned in recent years," Chai says.
走在柴家村周圍的農地里,很容易就會發(fā)現(xiàn)柴會龍家的韭菜大棚與其他家的不同,柴會龍的大棚又高又寬敞。 柴會龍指著地里嶄新的大棚告訴記者, 這樣寬敞的大棚在柴家村是第一家。他解釋說,村民們喜歡用小拱棚,因為它造價低, 但小拱棚卻不利于韭菜生長。他利用自己在大學期間創(chuàng)業(yè)積攢的三十幾萬元建起了11座冬暖式大棚, 為韭菜生長打下了好的基礎。 年前濟南霧霾天氣比較多, 韭菜無法吸收到陽光。柴會龍多方考察,引進了一種能夠發(fā)出紫光的增光燈,“這些紫光對韭菜生長很重要,當別人在抱怨天氣不好時,我這大棚里的韭菜生長的很好。”柴笑著說。 “韭菜吸收了更多的光源,長高了, 品質也好了,賣的價格也就高?!辈駮堈f。 韭菜長好了,賣出去才是王道。而銷售恰恰是柴會龍的長項。 柴會龍在大學期間就積累了豐厚的銷售經驗。大一那年,他就成功銷售了一批蘋果。“那年過圣誕節(jié),我和同學批發(fā)了一批蘋果,用包裝紙包好,沿街售賣‘平安果’,價格比超市低一半。那是我在大學里的第一桶金?!辈駮埜嬖V記者,雖然除去成本剩下的錢只夠幾個同學吃頓飯,對他卻是一種鼓勵。 大學四年間柴會龍還開過互聯(lián)網站,出過雜志,辦過公司,這些不僅為他積累了30多萬元的創(chuàng)業(yè)基金,更使他成為市場營銷能手。 “有了大學的經驗,推銷韭菜對我來說就容易了?!辈褡孕诺卣f。經過努力,柴會龍的韭菜成功打入濟南華聯(lián)超市。 與村民們坐等客戶上門相比,柴會龍另辟蹊徑。他不僅將無公害韭菜供應到超市,而且將質量好的韭菜做成禮盒,作為春節(jié)的禮物。去年冬天他賣了2000多個韭菜禮盒。 另一方面,柴會龍發(fā)展盆景韭菜,進行禮盒式的包裝,配上培土、沼渣、種植手冊等,讓都市人在陽臺上擁有自己的“小小韭菜園”??粗敲炊嗑虏伺杈埃职謸乃鼈儠u不出去,幾乎每天醒來第一句話便問他:“這些盆景什么時候能賣出去啊?” “韭菜盆景是我第一次嘗試做,但是迎合了消費者的需求,春節(jié)期間供不應求?!辈駮堈f。 僅去年一個冬天,柴會龍就賣了2000盆盆景韭菜,為他賺到了10萬元。 據柴會龍介紹,普通拱棚的韭菜一畝地能賺六七千元,而他的韭菜每畝能賺到了1萬元。