Sabrina 《情歸巴黎》(精講之六)
[ 2006-08-18 10:52 ]
影片對白So are we merging, are we all one?
Shroud of Turin
Shroud of Turin or Turin Shroud, is a 4-m (14-ft) length of linen(亞麻布) housed in the chapel adjacent to the cathedral in Turin, Italy, since 1578. For centuries, many Roman Catholics have believed it to be the shroud of Jesus, the cloth used to wrap his crucified body when he was taken from the cross. It is marked with images both front and back, apparently of a crucified man crowned with thorns, whipped, and speared in the side-the tortures Jesus is said to have suffered. Documents record that the cloth existed in France in the mid-1360s, but circumstantial evidence traces it back to Palestine at the time of Jesus. 在基督徒的眼里,這個東西堪稱為耶穌的又一象征。在電影中用來形容東西的珍貴。