Residents line up to get water in Lanzhou, Gansu province, on Saturday. Experts and residents have raised questions over the delayed response and lack of timely information from authorities and the water supplier. Photo by Xue Chaohua / China Daily |
As local authorities in Lanzhou, Gansu province, continued to investigate the city's tap water contamination, experts and local residents have raised questions over the delayed response and lack of timely information from authorities and the water supplier.
此次蘭州自來水污染(tap water contamination)指部分地區(qū)的自來水苯指標超標(hazardous levels of benzene)。此次事件的原因是蘭州威立雅水務公司兩水廠之間的自流溝(duct between two water works)內水體受到了污染,并初步查明周邊地下含油污水(residual oil contaminated underground water)是引起自流溝內水體苯超標的直接原因;而自流溝周邊地下含油污水形成的原因為1987年一渣油罐物理爆裂(residual oil tank explosion)事故和2002年一出口總管開裂著火(a fire in the residual oil pipeline)。
近幾年,有關水污染的事件屢有報道,去年曾有報道稱山東部分企業(yè)將未經處理的污水(untreated wastewater)通過高壓水井(high pressure water injection well)排到地下,造成地下水嚴重污染;2012年廣西還曾發(fā)生嚴重鎘污染(cadmium contamination)事件,一度影響威脅龍江河沿岸和下游300多萬民眾飲用水安全。
近幾年因為水源的主要污染物(major pollutant)從原來的重金屬(heavy metal)變成如今更難過濾的有機化合物(organic compounds),致使原來使用的活性炭(activated carbon)等物理處理方法(physical treatment)無法發(fā)揮功效,自來水工廠只能采用化學處理方式(chemical treatments)來凈化水源(purify the water)。
(中國日報網英語點津 Helen)