A perpetual spring In recent years, nursing homes have emerged as one solution to the problem of the aging population. In Dongsheng, the services for senior citizens focus not only on providing meals and comfortable accommodation, but also on improving the quality of life. The Xinhai Yihe nursing home covers an area of 54,000 sq m and consists of four types of building - single villas, terraced housing, apartment buildings and a nursing center. It also boasts a hospital and a supermarket. A hot spring, banks and a community center for the elderly are being built. In the center's indoor garden, trees and flowers flourish while pavilions, lakes and bridges have been built to make the atmosphere feel like a perpetual spring. "The average age of the more than 300 residents is 75. The view out of the window is pretty dull and can make the residents depressed, so the garden has been designed to cheer them up," said Li Chang, marketing director of the home. The suites in the center vary from one- to three-bedrooms and prices for accommodation and three meals a day range from 1,500 to 10,000 yuan per month. Each suite has air-conditioning, a refrigerator, a microwave and a TV. The washroom is equipped with handrails and emergency buttons. Wheelchairs are provided free of charge for those that need them. Cai Shoubin, 76, and his wife Yang Wenyu, 74, moved to the center from their home in the center of Ordos a year ago. Their two daughters and son work in Guangzhou in South China's Guangdong province. With a combined monthly pension of 9,000 yuan, the couple said they prefer to spend 3,000 yuan on nursing home fees rather than hiring a helper. "All the facilities here are for senior people. We have the nurses and also make more friends," said Cai. Every morning, the elderly couple plays billiards and table tennis for two hours. In the afternoons, they spend 30 minutes relaxing in a massage chair provided free of charge. According to Li, the nursing home also provides services to an increasing number of elderly residents living in other districts or towns. All the clients have their own health files, which are updated every week. Their children can see the documents online.
老有所依不再是難題 最近幾年來,各地養(yǎng)老院的發(fā)展成為應對老齡化的一個必然選擇。在鄂爾多斯,養(yǎng)老院提供的,不僅僅是一日三餐和三尺睡覺之地,更多的是老年人的生活質(zhì)量。 鄂爾多斯市的鑫海頤和城養(yǎng)生養(yǎng)老園區(qū)是我國規(guī)模最大養(yǎng)生養(yǎng)老園區(qū),位于內(nèi)蒙古鄂爾多斯市東勝區(qū)罕臺鎮(zhèn)國家城鄉(xiāng)統(tǒng)籌試驗開發(fā)區(qū)。該園區(qū)總占地面積1200畝,總投資20億元人民幣,2011年交付使用。園區(qū)由居家養(yǎng)老獨棟別墅區(qū)、居家養(yǎng)老聯(lián)排別墅區(qū)、居家養(yǎng)老小高層、機構養(yǎng)老區(qū)四個板塊組成。園區(qū)可容納2550人養(yǎng)生養(yǎng)老,其中機構養(yǎng)老900人,居家養(yǎng)老1200人,旅居、候鳥式養(yǎng)老450人。目前,機構養(yǎng)老已經(jīng)全面投入使用。 1月底的鄂爾多斯,窗外-15C,可在養(yǎng)老院里,庭院景觀一派初春的景象,鳥語花香,小橋流水,生機盎然。據(jù)養(yǎng)老院工作人員介紹,目前入住的300多位老人,年齡平均在75歲,冬季在室內(nèi)為他們打造園林景觀,能讓老人感覺生命的活力。 鑫海頤和機構養(yǎng)老的套餐每月從1500元到1萬元不等,房間有標準間、單人間、夫妻間、套件、豪華套間,每個房間都有老年人專用的洗浴設施,有需要的老人還能使用免費輪椅。套餐價格包括了老人的住宿和一日三餐,以及免費的休閑活動中心和圖書館,以滿足不同人群的需求。鄂爾多斯市中心醫(yī)院,在鑫海頤和城設立了社區(qū)醫(yī)院(醫(yī)療中心),形成綠色通道方便老人就醫(yī)。園區(qū)還設有幼兒園、商業(yè)街、企業(yè)會所、銀行、超市、KTV、酒吧、咖啡吧、按摩、理發(fā)等生活配套設施,生活方便快捷一步到位。 今年76歲的老人蔡守斌和她74歲的老伴楊文宇去年從市區(qū)的家搬到了養(yǎng)老院。他們的子女都在省外工作,沒時間照顧他們。兩位老人退休金加起來一個月也有9千多元,但他們不愿請保姆,更愿意住在養(yǎng)老院。蔡守斌說:“養(yǎng)老院設施都為老人專門設計的,我們在這里不僅有年齡相近的朋友,還有專業(yè)的醫(yī)護人員,當然比家里請的保姆好了?!?/p>