Tristan: Those boys are boring. I'd rather have you watching my back.
Man: Go,mate.
Samuel: February 3rd, 1915. Dear Susannah. The horror of this place is indescribable. Nothing is as I thought it would be. Tonight as I prayed for the souls of those who died so terribly yet so bravely, I admit that I also prayed for personal glory.Is that wrong to want to distinguish myself gloriously in combat as my father did?Tristan and Alfred watch over me so carefully that I may never get the opportunity.
Tristan: God damn it!Are you hit?
Samuel: It's just ascratch.
Samuel: Susannah, I see now not that my father was right but that I was naive.
Samuel: Let me get up! Damn it!
Tristan:Stay down!
Man:Fall back!
Samuel: Still, we place our bodies in God's keeping. We go into battle honorably. Full of confidence, with His name on our lips.
Man1:We're pinned here.
Man2: We'll wait.
Man3: Give him a hand.
Man4: Help him down.
Samuel: Susannah, I try toguard against despair, but there are moments when it seems all human decency is broken done. Alfred will recover from his wounds. But he and Tristan seem to have drifted apart, or worse. And I cannot understand it. I miss you more than you can imagine. You're all that's clean and cool and pure. I close my eyes and fix my thoughts on you. I now regret that we listened to everyone and agreed to wait to marry. Even more, I regret that I left before we could be together as we planned to be, my love. Please stay on at the ranch and wait for me. Don't let Father worry. I know God's mercy will protect me, aided considerably by Tristan, who seems to come to France less to fight the Germans than to act as my nursemaid. Be well, my love. Your own, Samuel.
1. Mate
這是一個男人之間常用的詞,意思是“哥兒們,老兄,伙計”。比如:Sorry mate, you have to wait. 對不起,伙計,你得等著。