Cinderella 2 《灰姑娘》2 (精講之四)
[ 2006-07-17 09:59 ]
影片對白I have to try this my way.
Life is Sweeter with Chocolate
A well-known chocolate proverb is as: "There's nothing better than a good friend, except a good friend with chocolate". Western people love chocolate and even compare it with their good friends.
Furthermore, in the nations that are fond of taste of sugar, Western people always say "life is sweeter with chocolate". In almost every festival of Western countries, chocolate desserts meet with great favor and are always in high demand.
Aside from what we have said, people say "chocolate can make you feel you're in love". Frankly speaking, "in love" are powerful words. Nothing can beat that. So it is no wonder that why during the Valentines' Day we like to send chocolates to our lovers for the purpose of expressing love.