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近期,英美國家相繼對那些因與前女(男)友分道揚鑣而心有不甘,將兩人大尺度親密照放到網上達到"黑對方后快"的惡行立法,如今,這種網上"色情報復"(revenge porn)行為將被定罪、判刑。
On Sept 1, a new Texas law goes into effect that criminalizes posting intimate photos of a partner that were sent that were sent with the understanding they remain private on the Internet. Posting "revenge porn" will now be a class A misdemeanor which can come with up to $4,000 in fines and a possible year in jail.
無獨有偶,英國在今年2月12日也頒布了類似法案。在英格蘭和威爾士,此類刑事犯罪最高刑期為兩年(up to two years in jail)。
There has been an explosion in revenge porn over the past few years, largely because of the impact of new technology.
Victims of revenge porn have found it difficult to have pictures removed from the Internet.
In some cases, asking for removal results in more attention being brought to the images.
According to information from eight police forces in England and Wales which kept data on this issue, there were 149 allegations of revenge porn made in the past two and a half years.
The new law seeks to give a stronger option - classing revenge porn as "photographs or films which show people engaged in sexual activity or depicted in a sexual way or with their genitals exposed, where what is shown would not usually be seen in public".
(中國日報網英語點津 丁一)
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