A bird's eye view 鳥瞰
A bird's eye view 鳥瞰
鳥瞰 a bird's eye view 意思是俯視,是因為居高臨下,一覽無余,讓你能俯視全景。
Every January Atlantic gannets start returning to Bass Rock in Scotland. Around 150,000 nest here making it the largest single rock gannet colony. They return with the same mate and often use the same nest each year, spending most of the year on the Rock and then leave at the end of October, when the last of the chicks fly down to the West Coast of Africa.
每年1月大西洋塘鵝遷徙重返蘇格蘭的Bass Rock. 這里大約有150000個鳥巢,是最大的單巖塘鵝繁殖地。每年塘鵝與相同的伴侶重返這里,往往回到同一個窩,生活大半年后,10月底離開。此時最后一只幼鳥也將離巢飛往非洲西海岸。
From the aeroplane we got a bird's eye view of the spectacular snow capped mountains.
From the top floor of our hotel we had a bird's eye view of the city below.
短語as free as a bird 形容的是完全沒有約束,無憂無慮的感覺,就像一只自由飛翔的小鳥。
Eg: I was as free as a bird when I finished my final school exam.
After quitting my job I felt as free as a bird as I could do exactly what I wanted.