請看外電報道中的這樣一句話:The 10 consecutive nights ofriotshave shaken the government to its core and opened a new front in the increasingly violent rupture between Muslims and non-Muslims in Western Europe.
句中的riot意為“暴亂、騷亂”,是riot最常用的義項。如:to incite(put down) a riot(煽起/平定一場暴亂);The football match led to an uncontrolled riot.(這場足球賽導致了一場無法控制的騷亂。)
Riot作名詞使用時,還可表示“(色彩、聲音等)的極度豐富”,如:a riot of color(五彩繽紛)、a riot of sound(聲音嘈雜)等都是習慣用語。
Riot 作動詞使用,有“鬧事、暴動”之意,如:They rioted in the streets.(他們在大街上鬧事。)