Kill your phone 美國加州新法案 智能手機將安裝“自殺開關”
Smartphones are everywhere, but they're easy pickings for criminals.
Here in San Francisco, high-end handsets are specifically targeted in more than half of all robberies.
Now, a new law means that smartphones in California will be required to have a "kill switch" which will make them useless if lost or stolen.
At the touch of a button, all the data on the phone is erased.
It's hoped this will help deter thieves, though some think the law will create other problems.
Vocabulary 詞匯:
easy pickings 容易被人偷盜的東西
high-end 高端的
robberies 搶劫案
at the touch of a button 只需一觸按鈕就可以…
deter 威懾