Aguirre: Up on Brokeback, theForest Service has got designated campsites on the allotments. Them camps can be 3, 4 miles from where we pasture the woollies. Bad predator loss if there's nobody lookin' after 'em at night. Now, what I want is a camp tender to stay in the main camp, where the Forest Service says. But the herder he's gonna pitch a pup tenton the Q.T. with the sheep and he's gonna sleep there. You eat your supper and breakfast in camp but you sleep with the sheep 100%. No fire, don't leave no sign. You roll up that tent every mornin' . in case Forest Service snoops around. Yeah? No. No! Not on your fuckin' life. You got your dogs, your 30-30, you sleep there. (30-30 is a sort of dog contest) Last s ummer I had goddamn near 25% loss. I don't want that again. You. Fridays at noon, be down at the bridge with your grocery list and mules and somebody with supplies will be there at the pick-up. Tomorrow mornin' we'll truck you up to the jump-off.
Jack: Jack Twist.
Ennis: Ennis.
Jack: Your folks just stop at Ennis?
Ennis: Del Mar.
Jack: Well, nice to know you, Ennis Del Mar. My second year up here. Last year, one storm, the lightnin' killed 42 sheep. Thought I'd asphyxiate from the smell. Aguirre got all over my arse, like I was supposed to control the weather. But beats workin' for my old man. Can't please my old man, no way. That's why I took to rodeoin'. You ever rodeo?
Ennis: You know, I mean, once in a while. When I got the entry fee in my pocket.
Jack: Yeah. Are you from ranch people?
Ennis: Yeah, I was.
Jack: Your folks run you off?
Ennis: No, they run themselves off. There was one curve in the road in 43 miles, and they miss it. So the bank took the ranch and my brother and sister, they raised me, mostly.
Jack: Shit, that's hard.
1. Forest Service
2. pup tent
3. on the Q.T.
這是 on the quiet 的縮寫,意思是“secretly 秘密的,私下的”,“悄悄地進行自然就是私下的了”,比如:They told her on the Q.T. that she was being promoted. 他們私下里告訴她,她升職了。