中國日報網 2023-04-26 22:18
“背鍋”,網絡流行語,“背黑鍋”的簡稱,字面意思是“在背上背一口鍋(carry a wok on the back)”,用來比喻“為他人承受過錯(take the blame for the faults of others)”,英文可翻譯為“be made a scapegoat(做替罪羊)”,常用表達有“替……背鍋(bear the blame of someone)”。
實際上,英語中有和“背鍋”非常相似的說法 ——“carry the can”,表示“take the blame for something, often another's mistakes or misdeeds”。這個英式俚語原本指“幫士兵們抗啤酒的人”,can有“易拉罐”的意思,指裝啤酒的容器,后延伸出“代人受過”的含義。
既然有人“背鍋”,就得有人“甩鍋”?!八﹀仭钡囊馑际恰鞍沿熑瓮菩督o他人(shift or reassign the blame or responsibility to another person)”,與英語習語“pass the buck”意思相近。
Buck是buckhorn knife(鹿角刀)的簡稱,鹿角刀曾在紙牌游戲中用作籌碼,輪到誰就由誰發(fā)牌,如果玩家不想發(fā)牌,可將鹿角刀傳給下一個玩家。后延伸出“推卸責任”的含義。
My partner had been cooking the books for years, but because I was the CEO, I had to carry the can for our company's collapse.
He had not intended to be made a scapegoat.
It’s all very well for those at the top; they can always pass the buck to their subordinates.
Editor: Jade