中國日報雙語新聞微信 2021-03-14 08:00
2013年Nerd HQ曾采訪過抖森(Tom Hiddleston),短短一個小時的訪談抖森侃侃而談,仿佛化身人生導師。
抖森說,自己的一位良師肯尼斯·布拉納(Kenneth Branagh)曾經(jīng)告訴他“別害怕去在乎”。
I think it’s a quote from Shakespeare, from A Midsummer Night’s Dream, which is four words “take pains, be perfect”. I think it’s his way of saying, don’t be afraid of caring.
Don’t be afraid of your passion. Like, just give it free reign, and be honest, and work hard, and it will all turn out just fine.
I live near a couple of parks in London. One night I couldn’t sleep. It was summer. I got up really early in the morning. I went and walked to the nearest big hill and I saw the sun rising over London, which is one of the greatest cities in the world. Sometimes that’s the answer. Just get up when the sun gets up and look around, and you realize you’re part of an amazing planet.
So I’m not wasting any time. And the thing is, with negativity, for my money, they are just, they are like clouds that pass across the sun. You know they will pass. They’re just feelings. It’s important not to dwell on them.
(來源:中國日報雙語新聞微信 編輯:陳月華)