人們用表達(dá) “be a hard act to follow” 來形容一個(gè)人在某件事情上樹立了一個(gè)很好的榜樣,而其他人很難保持或達(dá)到同樣的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。你既可以用這個(gè)表達(dá)來形容某人的一次具體表現(xiàn)讓人相形見絀,也可以用它來泛指 “某人非常成功,讓后來者望塵莫及”。
It's such a pity that Fang Zhu's leaving – she'll be a hard act to follow.
Wow, that's a perfect score by the Chinese gymnast – we said she would be a hard act to follow!
Thank you for taking over organising the family parties. Aunt Emma is a hard act to follow, but you've managed it!