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CHINADAILY手機報 2018-08-11 08:30


一周新聞熱詞榜,一網打盡trending news。




A law enforcement officer inspects vaccines at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Rong'an county of Liuzhou city in the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region. [Photo by Tan Kaixing/China Daily]

1. 續(xù)種補種方案
follow-up inoculation plan


A follow-up inoculation plan has been issued by the National Health Commission and the State Drug Administration for people who have received rabies vaccines from Changchun Changsheng Bio-tech Co.

方案指出,接種過長春長生狂犬病疫苗且尚未完成整個接種程序者(those who have received the vaccines from Changchun Changsheng Bio-tech Co but have not gone through the entire inoculation procedure),接種單位免費續(xù)種其他公司合格疫苗。已完成接種程序者(those who have completed the procedure),如受種者有補種意愿(still want reinoculation),接種單位在告知防控知識、疫苗的保護作用、接種后注意事項等內容后(being informed by vaccination institutions about prevention and control, the functions of the vaccines and post-inoculation tips),可免費補種(get vaccines for free)。

方案指出,根據世界衛(wèi)生組織2018年4月的有關報告,狂犬病潛伏期(the incubation period of rabies)通常為1-3個月,罕有超過1年。為保障受種者健康,對接種時間不滿1年的受種者,接種單位提供跟蹤觀察和咨詢服務(provide tracking, observation and advisory services)。接種時間1年以上的,如發(fā)生異常情況(abnormalities),衛(wèi)生健康部門繼續(xù)受理。

方案明確,接種單位設置醒目標識,安排有經驗的醫(yī)務人員提供服務,向社會公開聯(lián)系方式(make contact information public)??h級以上地方衛(wèi)生健康部門要各確定1家醫(yī)療機構,作為轄區(qū)內進一步臨床觀察的定點醫(yī)療機構(designated medical institution)。國家級、省級和地市級組建專家組(expert panel),包括臨床研究(clinical studies)、疾病預防控制(disease prevention and control)以及管理領域等專家,指導做好相關服務。

靜脈注射 intravenous injection
皮下注射 hypodermic injection
疫苗注射 vaccination/vaccine injection
注射死刑 execution by lethal injection

2. 信息公開
disclose information, information disclosure

China's Ministry of Civil Affairs has unveiled a regulation requiring charities to disclose information in accordance with the law.

近日,民政部印發(fā)《慈善組織信息公開辦法》(以下簡稱辦法),辦法對慈善組織(charities/charity groups)信息公開(information disclosure)作出詳細規(guī)定,明確了慈善組織重點公開的財產活動信息,以及有公募資格的慈善組織要公開的募捐信息。辦法將于今年9月1日起施行(go into effect)。

辦法規(guī)定,慈善組織應當依法(in accordance with the law)履行信息公開義務,在民政部門提供的統(tǒng)一的信息平臺,向社會公開基本信息、年度工作報告和財務會計報告(yearly work and financial accounting reports)、公開募捐(public fundraising)情況、慈善項目有關情況、慈善信托(charitable trust)有關情況、重大資產變動(major asset changes)及投資、重大交換交易及資金往來、關聯(lián)交易(connected transactions)行為等情況。

辦法同時規(guī)定,具有公開募捐資格的慈善組織,還應按年度公開在本組織領取報酬從高到低排序前五位人員的報酬金額,并公開本組織出國(境)經費(expenditure for overseas trips)、車輛購置及運行費用、招待費用、差旅費用(travel expenses)的標準。

辦法明確,慈善組織應當對信息的真實性負責,不得有虛假記載、誤導性陳述或者重大遺漏(any false records, misleading statements, or major omissions are not allowed),不得以新聞發(fā)布(news release)、廣告推廣等形式代替應當履行的信息公開義務。慈善組織不及時公開信息(fail to disclose information in a timely manner)或者公開的信息不真實的(disclose false information),任何單位或個人可以向民政部門(civil affairs authorities)投訴、舉報。

募捐 raise donations
財務透明度 financial transparency
社會組織 social organization
援助機構 aid agency/organization
食物銀行 food bank
義賣會 bazaar

The emblem for the Olympic Council of the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022 is launched at the headquarters of the Hangzhou Culture Radio Television Group in Hangzhou city, east China's Zhejiang province, 6 August 2018. [Photo/VCG]

3. 亞運會會徽
Asian Games emblem

Called "Surging Tides", the emblem for the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022 consists of six elements: a Chinese fan, the Qiantang River, a tidal bore, a running track, the internet icon and the glowing red sun of the Olympic Council of Asia. Below the motif is the lettering denoting the host city and the year of the Asian Games.

6日,杭州2022年第19屆亞運會會徽(the emblem for the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022)"潮涌"正式發(fā)布。潮涌的主體圖形由扇面、錢塘江、錢江潮頭、賽道、互聯(lián)網符號(internet icon)及象征亞奧理事會(the Olympic Council of Asia, OCA)的太陽圖形六個元素組成,下方是主辦城市(host city)名稱與舉辦年份的印鑒,兩者共同構成了完整的杭州亞運會會徽。

據杭州亞組委方面介紹,扇面造型反映江南人文意蘊(the cultural heritage unique to the southern regions of the Yangtze River),賽道代表體育競技(sports competitions),互聯(lián)網符號契合杭州城市特色,太陽圖形是亞奧理事會的象征符號。同時,錢塘江和錢江潮頭是會徽的形象核心(the core elements of the emblem),綠水青山展示了浙江杭州山水城市(a city of natural landscapes)的自然特質,江潮奔涌表達了浙江兒女勇立潮頭的精神氣質。

杭州亞組委副主席兼秘書長、杭州市市長徐立毅表示,會徽是亞運會重要的視覺形象標志,是展示杭州亞運會理念和中國文化的重要載體(major carrier to showcase Hangzhou's visions of the Asian Games and the Chinese culture)。徐立毅還認為,杭州亞運會會徽設計富有時代氣息,符合奧林匹克精神(the emblem embodies the character of our times and the Olympic Spirit),彰顯舉辦城市杭州的人文底蘊和城市特質,具有鮮明的形象識別度和原創(chuàng)性,充分表達了廣大民眾對亞運盛會的熱切期待,對構建亞洲和人類命運共同體(build a community of a shared future for Asia and mankind)的美好愿望。

體育賽事 sports event
吉祥物 mascot
田徑運動 track and field
電子競技 e-sports
打破世界紀錄 break/beat/shatter the world record

4. 非法代寫服務
illegal ghostwriting services

As the end of the summer holiday approaches, Chinese elementary and junior high school students increasingly find themselves bogged down with too many school assignments. However, emerging illegal ghostwriting services offered on different online platforms seem like a great "help" to them.

近年來,我國教育相關部門響應國家"減負(burden alleviation)"號召,努力減少學生的家庭作業(yè)(try to cut back on homework for students),但越來越多的家長卻往往利用假期等課余時間安排孩子上課外輔導班(parents tend to arrange their children's spare time, including vacations, for extracurricular classes)。學生顯然無法負荷學校和補習班兩方面的作業(yè)(cannot bear the homework form by both the school and the cram school),于是為不法寫手和商販提供了商機(business opportunity)。

有報道稱,代寫行業(yè)的服務鏈(the chain of the ghostwriting industry)是"聯(lián)系客服(contact customer service)——告知要求(tell the requirements)——確定價格(set the price)——郵寄作業(yè)(mail the notebook)——支付議價(pay the agreed fee)——收到成品(get the returned manuscript)"。國內最大電商平臺(e-commerce platform)淘寶網上有不少提供代寫服務的網店。微博等社交媒體平臺上也能看到代寫廣告。據報道,大學生是代寫主力軍(the main force of the ghostwriters)。他們暑期時間充裕,加上渴望掙零花錢(desire to earn pocket money),所以樂于"幫忙"。

抄襲 plagiarism
欺詐行為 an act of fraud
寫作軟件 writing software
課業(yè)負擔 homework loads
教育改革 education reform

5. 精芬
spiritually Finnish


The term "jingfen", or "spiritually Finnish", is inspired by a comic from Finland called "Finnish Nightmares," starring a cartoon figure named Matti who prefers minimal contact and avoids social situations.

該漫畫集的作者卡羅麗娜·克羅恩對馬蒂的描述是:一個典型的芬蘭人,喜歡平靜、安靜,享受個人空間(a stereotypical Finn who appreciates peace, quiet and personal space)。芬蘭人熱情、好客,對人真誠又特別注重個人空間。哪怕是外向的芬蘭人在我們看來也可能是內向的。芬蘭人有句自嘲的話是這樣說的:"內向的芬蘭人跟你說話的時候看著自己的鞋子(an introverted Finn looks at his shoes when talking to you),外向的芬蘭人跟你說話的時候看著你的鞋子(an extroverted Finn looks at your shoes)。"

馬蒂努力踐行己之所欲亦施于人的待人之道(Matti tries his best to do unto others as he wishes to be done unto him):給足空間,有禮貌,避免無意義的閑談(unnecessary chit chat)。他是個時時處處都覺得不自在的人(be the kind of perpetually uncomfortable character),有鄰居在走廊的時候,他就躲在屋里;如果有人坐了他旁邊的空座,他會想從那里消失;他不喜歡被特別對待,哪怕是表揚也不行(hate being singled out, even for praise);他避免跟銷售人員對話;無法忍受跟別人搭檔工作(work in pairs)。

這個漫畫集的中文版出版以后,迅速引起了許多中國讀者的共鳴(strike a chord with many Chinese readers),大家紛紛感嘆:這不就是我嗎!于是乎,很多患有輕微"社交恐懼(social anxiety disorder)"的網友都自嘲是"精神上的芬蘭人(spiritually Finnish)"。對于為什么"精芬"會成為當下部分中國年輕網友認可或者自我認同(self-identification)的狀態(tài),專家認為,人是群居動物(social animal),我們都害怕孤獨,但我們更渴望自我空間(personal space)和個人隱私(individual privacy)得到尊重。"精芬"們渴望的是一種和陌生人保持禮貌距離的空間感。

宅男 homebody
私人空間 private space
無謂的社交 unnecessary socializing
大眾生活 public life

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(來源:CHINADAILY手機報 編輯:丁一、劉明、馬文英、丹妮)

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