中國日報網 2016-03-07 14:02
3. 樓市高燒
high fever of real estate
Homebuyers snapped up apartments in China's first-tier cities in the weeks after the Spring Festival holidays, the sudden buying frenzy result in a high fever of real estate.
"樓市高燒"可以用high fever of real estate來表示,其中fever常用于構成復合詞,指某種狂熱,如選舉熱(election fever)和彩票熱(lottery fever)。
在上海,某均價達每平方米8萬元的樓盤開盤當天便售罄(be sold out),深圳、南京等城市也出現(xiàn)搶購景象。國家統(tǒng)計局(the National Bureau of Statistics)的數據顯示,1月份深圳新建商品住宅(commercial residential buildings)價格相較于去年暴漲(skyrocket/soar)了52.7%,北京、上海、廣州分別同比上漲了11.3%、21.4%、10%。
專家表示,之所以會出現(xiàn)一線城市樓市"高燒"現(xiàn)象,與國家放松房地產限購(the easing of restrictions on property purchases)、降低房產交易稅(a tax cut of property transaction)、下調最低首付款(reductions to the minimum down payments)以及寬松的信貸(easy credit)政策有直接關系。這些政策本是為降低中小城市的房地產庫存(housing inventory)而實行的,但一線城市房地產有限的供應(limited supply)和強勁的需求(robust demand)導致了房地產市場的持續(xù)升溫。
購房貸款 purchase loan
零首付 zero down payment/no money down
房產稅 house property tax
房地產經紀人 real estate agent
投機性需求 speculative demand