中國日報手機報 2016-01-18 09:55
6. 猴票
monkey stamp
The price of Chinese zodiac stamps commemorating the 1980 Year of the Monkey has rocketed to a historical high.
1980版猴年生肖紀(jì)念郵票(Chinese zodiac stamps commemorating the 1980 Year of the Monkey)——"庚申年"猴票(the "Gengshen Year" monkey stamps)——為我國發(fā)行的首套生肖郵票(Chinese zodiac stamps)。80版猴票面值(face value/nominal value)為8分,目前該版猴票價格已升至1.2萬元一枚,整版(the complete set)價格更是達到150萬元。
據(jù)悉,生肖郵票因其傳承了中國生肖文化(culture of Chinese zodiac)而受到世界矚目,目前已有127個國家發(fā)行過3580余種生肖郵票,生肖郵迷(philately lover)覆蓋全球。生肖集郵市場中,龍、馬、猴、牛、虎等比較受歡迎,但以"猴票"為首。
中國郵政近日發(fā)行的"丙申年"特種郵票(the "Bingshen Year" special stamps)是我國第四輪生肖郵票的開山之作(the first of the fourth series of Chinese zodiac stamps)。"丙申年"特種郵票一套兩枚(a set of two stamps),圖案內(nèi)容分別為靈猴獻瑞和福壽雙至,全套郵票面值為2.40元。
十二生肖 Chinese zodiac
集郵 stamp collecting/collection, philately(n.)
紀(jì)念郵票 commemorative stamp
紀(jì)念郵戳 commemorative postmark
紀(jì)念封 commemorative envelope/cover
首日封 first day cover
尾日封 last day cover