超人氣男士發(fā)型Man Bun
中國日報網(wǎng) 2015-09-01 17:07
近日,90年代因貝克漢姆而風靡一時的男生版丸子頭——男士發(fā)髻(Man Bun)再次席卷時尚圈,據(jù)說,這種發(fā)型特別挑臉,要想梳來有型,臉型好顏值高才Hold得住。
This new hairstyle is challenging stereotypes everywhere, the Man Bun is when hair is pulled back from the forehead and tied into a little bun just below the crown of the head, and there can be some hair left out if that is what you desire.
The Man Bun is proving to be so popular that there have been tons of YouTube videos made just to explain to men how to execute the look.
The man bun has experienced a major resurgence in popularity in the past year and women are loving it. Lady-killers Leonardo Dicaprio, Bradley Cooper and Jared Leto have all sported man buns, as well as People's sexiest man Chris Hemsworth, and they all looked hot as hell doing it.
如今,這種超人氣發(fā)型已成為檢驗“男神”的不二標準,下面我們就一起欣(hua)賞(chi)一下各類帥哥的Man Bun造型: