April 8 [ 2007-04-08 08:00 ]
A suicide note was found
close to the singer's body. |
1994: Rock musician Kurt Cobain 'shoots
himself' |
England have
The lead-singer of American grunge rock band Nirvana, Kurt Cobain, has
been found dead in his Seattle home.
The 27-year-old rock star had a single gunshot wound to the head. A gun
and suicide note were found nearby.
It appeared he had been dead for at least 34 hours when his body was
discovered by an electrician who was carrying out repairs at the
musician's house. Mr Cobain's mother, Wendy O'Connor, said she had not
heard from him for six days.
The troubled singer, whose band achieved global fame with the release
of its album Nevermind in 1991, survived a drug and alcohol-induced coma
in Rome last month.
I told him not to join that stupid club.
Wendy O'Connor
statement from Nirvana's management company, Gold Mountain Entertainment,
said: "We are deeply saddened by the loss of such a talented artist, close
friend, loving husband and father."
Mr Cobain was married to the lead singer of the band Hole, Courtney
Love. The couple had a daughter, Frances Bean, 18 months ago.
The three-piece group from Aberdeen in Washington State, were due to
arrive in Britain next week on the next leg of their European tour.
Nirvana are widely acknowledged to be the leading pioneers of the
Seattle-based grunge movement, combining a violent rock sound with lyrics
expressing vulnerability and
anguish .
Eight million copies of their hit Smells Like Teen Spirit have been
sold worldwide. The band's latest album, In Utero, released last year, was
also a great success.
But American music journalist Jeff Gilbert said Mr Cobain had been
depressed by bass player Chris Novoselic's recent announcement that he
wanted to leave the band.
Nirvana's frontman joins a long litany of rock stars - including Jimi
Hendrix, Jim Morrison and Janis Joplin - who have died young.
Ms O'Connor told reporters after her son went missing she had warned
him about suffering a similar fate.
"I told him not to join that stupid club," she said.
Pablo Picasso had lived
in France for many years. |
1973: Art master Picasso dies | Artificially
1969: The The artist Pablo Picasso has died of a heart attack at his
chateau near Cannes on the
French Riviera.
He suffered the fatal seizure at approximately 1100 local time
His wife, Jacqueline, and son, Paolo, were with him when he died.
The artist who had lived in seclusion for some years is reported
to have suffered from influenza during the winter but continued to paint.
He was making plans for more than 200 pieces of his work to be shown at
an art museum in Avignon next month.
Last year to mark his 90th birthday the Louvre Museum in Paris staged a
Picasso retrospective - the first time the work of a living artist had
been exhibited.
Tributes for Picasso have been pouring in.
The sculptor Henry Moore said that Picasso was probably one of the most
"naturally gifted" artists since Raphael.
France's culture minister, Maurice Druou, said Picasso "filled his
century with his colours".
Illegitimate children
Born in 1881 in Spain, the son of an art teacher, Picasso exhibited his
first paintings in Barcelona at the age of 12.
During his lifetime he is said to have produced approximately 20,000
paintings, sculptures and drawings.
Arguably his best-known work was the painting, Guernica, inspired by
his outrage at the destruction of a small Basque town during the Spanish
civil war.
Picasso, a lifelong Communist, supported the republican government
defeated by General Franco's forces and never returned to his homeland
after Franco's victory.
His fortune has been estimated at $50m - his legal heirs are his wife,
Jacqueline, and Paolo, his son from his first marriage to a Russian
anguish:agonizing physical or mental pain;
chateau: a large country
seclusion: the state of being set