Joshua Nkomo flees from
Zimbabwe to London |
1983: Nkomo flees Zimbabwe 'death
threats' |
Artificially 1969:
The The
embattled leader of Zimbabwe's opposition party, Joshua Nkomo, has flown
into London as his country appears to be teetering on the brink of civil
Mr Nkomo, leader of the Zimbabwe African People's Union (Zapu) party,
says he was forced to flee from Zimbabwe because his life was in danger.
Troops from the Fifth Brigade have sealed off his power base in the
Ndebele people's stronghold of Bulawayo.
Ethnic tensions between the Ndebele and Shona tribes within Zimbabwe
have been rising since President Robert Mugabe accused Mr Nkomo of
attempting to overthrow his government last year.
Mr Nkomo told a news conference, held at midnight in Bulawayo last
Sunday (a week ago), the soldiers had been sent to assassinate him. He
also claimed the North Korean-trained troops had killed his chauffeur and
ransacked his home.
He has previously denounced the Fifth Brigade as a "political army"
because they are mostly made up of Shona tribesmen supporting the ruling
Zanu-PF party.
The day after his news conference, he fled - first to Botswana by
crossing a deserted part of the border in a Land Rover. The Botswana
Government issued a brief statement saying Mr Nkomo had temporarily left
Zimbabwe to try to resolve the country's problems.
He was clearly not welcome in Botswana and travelled to South Africa,
to take a plane from Johannesburg to Heathrow airport.
The 66-year-old veteran was questioned for an hour by officials at
Heathrow airport before he was allowed into the country. He has been told
his stay is only temporary.
His arrival will be an embarrassment to the British Government, which
is anxious to maintain good relations with the Zimbabwe government of
Robert Mugabe.
Despite being ordered not to get involved in political activities, Mr
Nkomo immediately held a news conference at Heathrow.
"It is absolutely vital that everything is done to try to solve the
problem of that country and be able to minimise the violence that has now
found us in this grave situation," he said.
"There is nothing that will make me not go back to that country."
Zimbabwe's information minister insisted Mr Nkomo's safety was assured
- but said meaningful talks could happen only if he returned to Harare.
Mr Nkomo's outspoken comments are likely to enhance his position as the
partriarch of black nationalism in Zimbabwe.
Zipra - the military wing of Zapu - is believed to be regrouping in
Matabeleland against Mr Mugabe's government.
Hundreds of men are said to have left their homes in the past few weeks
to join up. There is little doubt they have access to large quantities of