About 3,000 people have
been killed or injured in Cuba's bloodiest
fighting |
1958: Castro's rebels edge closer to
capital |
England have
A vicious house-to-house battle between rebel guerrillas, led by Fidel
Castro, and the Cuban army is raging around the town of Santa Clara, the
capital of the province of Las Villas.
The capture of Las Villas is a key goal for the rebel force, known as
the 26 July Army, before they advance on the capital, Havana.
Despite being heavily outnumbered by the Cuban army, the rebels have
enormous popular support and have won a number of significant victories.
Just a few weeks ago, they were confined to their tiny mountain
stronghold at the other end of the island. Now they have advanced into a
position where they are poised to take the capital itself.
The guerrillas have been fighting to overthrow the military government
of Fulgeneio Batista for two years.
But in the last 48 hours about 3,000 people have been killed or injured
in some of the bloodiest fighting in the history of Cuba.
The army has countered the rebel attack on Santa Clara with fighter and
bomber aircraft, as well as guns and tanks.
One of the rebel leaders, Dr Ernesto "Che" Guevara, has appealed to the
government commander in Santa Clara for a truce to clear the streets of
the casualties.
Broadcasts on rebel radio said his appeal had been rejected.
The president is reported to be preparing to take personal command of
his forces to destroy a convoy of guerrilla soldiers currently moving
south from Santa Clara.
In a sign of how desperate the situation has become for the government,
President Batista today removed the Commodore of the Navy's air force,
Joaquin Yarela Canosa, from his post.
He was the second senior figure in the armed forces to be sacked this
week. The army commander in Las Villas, General Alberto Rio Chaviano, lost
his job a few days ago.
Meanwhile, amid rumours that President Batista is preparing to flee the
island, two of his young sons arrived in New York, accompanied by their
grandfather, Manuel Perez Benitoa.
Mr Benitoa denied that the two boys were being evacuated ahead of a
government surrender, saying, "I bring them every year to see the