President Roosevelt
announced the US is at war with the Axis
Powers |
1941: Germany and Italy declare war on
US |
England have
Germany and Italy have announced they are at war with the United
States. America immediately responded by declaring war on the two Axis
Three days ago, US President Franklin Roosevelt announced America was
at war with Japan, the third Axis power, following the surprise attack on
its naval base at Pearl Harbor.
Today Italian dictator, Benito Mussolini, made his declaration first -
from the balcony over the Piazza Venezia in Rome - pledging the "powers of
the pact of steel" were determined to win.
Then Adolf Hitler made his announcement at the Reichstag in Berlin
saying he had tried to avoid direct conflict with the US but, under the
Tripartite Agreement signed on 27 September 1940, Germany was obliged to
join with Italy to defend its ally Japan.
"After victory has been achieved," he said. "Germany, Italy and Japan
will continue in closest co-operation with a view to establishing a new
and just order."
He accused President Roosevelt of waging a campaign against Germany
since 1937, blamed him for the outbreak of war in 1939 and said he was
planning to invade Germany in 1943.
Over in Washington, President Roosevelt told Congress the free world
must act quickly and decisively against the enemy.
"The forces endeavouring to enslave the entire world now are moving
towards this hemisphere.
"Delay invites danger. Rapid and united efforts by all peoples of the
world who are determined to remain free will ensure world victory for the
forces of justice and righteousness over the forces of savagery and
Resolutions against Germany and Italy were passed without debate. The
only person who did not vote for war was pacifist Congresswoman Jeannette
Rankin who had also voted against war with Japan.
In the Senate the vote was unanimous.
Both Democrats and Republicans have agreed to "adjourn politics" for
the duration of the war and focus on national defence.
They have passed a new law which allows US servicemen to fight anywhere
in the world.
Following the shock of Pearl Harbor, American citizens are flocking to
volunteer for the US Navy and Marine Corps which do not take conscripts.
The US Army has already grown tenfold since the draft was introduced
last year.